王家骥,现供职衡水职业技术学院,任书法专业副教授,师从中国书法家协会理事、辽宁省书协副主席张世刚先生。现为中国书法家协会会员;中国硬笔书法协会教育委员会委员;中国楹联学会会员;河北省书法家协会学术、教育委员会委员;河北省书法教育家协会常务主席;河北省硬笔书法协会副秘书长;衡水市书法家协会副秘书长;衡水市硬笔、青年书法家协会副主席兼秘书长;家骥书法教育教学方法创始人。 自幼酷爱书法,从唐楷入手,习《柳公权玄秘塔》、《神策军碑》《欧体九成宫》、后深研魏碑,习《张猛龙碑》、《张玄墓志》,隶书习《汉礼器碑》、《汉张迁碑》,尤喜张迁碑之浑厚,行草宗二王之风,曾以《王羲之集字圣教序》,《书谱》为根基,后临习《王铎行书古诗》、《王羲之手札》,多次参加中书协培训班深造,书法自成风格,善榜书。二十余载从事书法教育,兢兢业业、刻苦钻研、勇于创新,形成独特的家骥书法教育教学模式,培养培训学生近万人,受到广大学员及家长的赞誉。自编或参编教材十余部,发表书法专业论文二十余篇,主持或参与科研立项七项。被河北省书协评为书法名家进校园活动特聘名家。被衡水市文联评为“德艺双馨”艺术工作者称号。2016年9月,代表河北省参加在承德滦平县举办的“京津冀”书法名家进校园活动。
Wang Jiaji, currently working at Hengshui Vocational and Technical College, is an associate professor of calligraphy. He studied under Mr. Zhang Shigang, who is the director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and vice chairman of the Liaoning Calligraphy Association.
Wang is currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Education Committee of the China Pen Calligraphy Association, a member of the China Yinglian, a member of the Academic Committee and Education Committee of the Hebei Calligraphers Association, executive chairman of the Hebei Calligraphy Educators Association, deputy secretary general of the Hebei Pen Calligraphy Association, deputy secretary general of Hengshui Calligraphers Association, vice chairman and secretary general of Hengshui Pen Calligraphers and Young Calligraphers Association, and the founder of Jiaji Calligraphy Education and Teaching Method.
Wang loves calligraphy since childhood. Starting with the Tang Dynasty regular script, he studied “Mysterious Pagoda” by Liu Gongquan, “ShenCe Army Tablet”, “JiuCheng Palace” by Ouyang Xun, and then dug deep into Wei dynasty stele style calligraphy and studied “Zhang Menglong Tablet”, “Zhang Xuan Epitaph”, and clerical script of “Han Dynasty Ritual Vessel Tablet” and “Han Dynasty Zhang Qian Tablet”. He was deeply attracted to the richness of Zhang Qian's tablet script, and the cursive style of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi. He regarded “Wang Xizhi's Collection of Words and Holy Teaching Preface” and “Calligraphy” as the foundation, and later studied “Ancient Poems in Semicursive Script by Wang Duo” and “Wang Xizhi's Hand Letters”. Wang participated in the training courses of the Chinese Calligraphy Association several times. His calligraphy has a unique style and he is best at banner script. He has been engaged in calligraphy education for more than 20 years. He is conscientious, diligent, and innovative. He formed a unique Jiaji calligraphy education and teaching model, trained almost 10,000 students, and was praised by the students and their parents. Wang self-edited and participated in the editing of more than ten textbooks, published more than twenty papers on calligraphy, and presided over and participated in seven scientific research projects. He was appraised by the Hebei Calligraphy Association as a distinguished calligrapher in campus events. He was awarded the title of “Morally and Artistically Excellent” Artist by the Hengshui Federation of Literary and Art. In September 2016, on behalf of Hebei Province, he participated in the “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei” Calligraphy Masters Visiting Campus event held in Luanping County, Chengde.
Cursive Script “Guo Ji Xiang Si” (Passing by Jixiang Temple) by Wang Wei
Cursive Script “Qing Ping Le·Liu Pan Shan” (Liupan Mountain) by Mao Zedong
Cursive Script “Ye Bo Niu Zhu Huai Gu” (Nostalgia at Night) by Li Bai
Cursive Script “Song Lu Pan Guan Wang Pi Pa Xia” by Li Bai
Cursive Script “Chun Ri” (Spring Day) by Zhu Xi
Cursive Script “Hong” (Wild Goose) by Zhongtang
Cursive Script “Ren Wen Ding Sheng” (Heyday of Humanity and Culture)
Couplet No.1
Couplet No.2
Couplet No.3