左继君,徐州医科大学毕业后留校从事医学教育及管理工作,高级职称。师承权希军,国家高级书法师,书法非遗传承人,中国老年书画研究会会员,北京书法家协会会员,中国楹联学会书法研究会会员并聘为楹联学会书画艺术院书法系教授。自幼喜爱书法,研习书法数十年,笔耕不辍,对二王、张旭、怀素、王铎、孙过庭、黄庭坚临摹尤勤。在多年书法实践中能博采众家之长,法古而不泥古形成了自己的风格。字体优雅飘逸,灵动错落有致,诨然一体柔中见刚,美观大气充满神韵。作品在《中国书法导报》《书法报》《银潮杂志》《中国民族博览杂志》《办公室业务杂志》《艺术市埸杂志》《中国美术杂志》《魂力中国—当代书画艺术精品典藏》(珍藏版国礼卷),《中国最具影响力书画名家》(中国教育出版社)《新中国国礼艺术大师》(中国文化出版社)《企业收藏书画指南》《弟子规》等处发表。作品《念奴娇. 过洞庭》被中国国家博物馆收藏。《柳永词望海潮》被中国美术馆收藏。《陶渊明饮酒诗》被徐悲鸿艺术馆收藏。
草书《海上生明月 天涯共此时》
草书 杜牧《山行》
草书 晋葛洪句
草书 李忱《瀑布》
草书 毛泽东词《黄鹤楼》
草书 屈大军《秋夕》
草书 唐褚朝《登少室山寺》
草书 唐张九龄诗句
Zuo Jijun, graduated from Xuzhou Medical University, engaged in the university’s medical education and management after graduation, senior professional title. Studied under Quan Xijun; China’s senior calligrapher; inheritor of nonmaterial culture calligraphy; China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, Member; Beijing Calligraphers Association, Member; China Yinglian Society, Calligraphy Research Association, Member; Calligraphy and Painting Art Academy of the Yinglian Society, Calligraphy Professor. He has practiced calligraphy since childhood and has now studied calligraphy for decades. Prefers to copy Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Zhang Xu, Huai Su, Wang Duo, Sun Guoting, and Huang Tingjian. Able to learn from the strengths of other masters and gradually had his own style: elegant and light, flexible and consistent, soft and rigid, beautiful and atmospheric, with romantic charm. Works have been published in China Calligraphy Herald, Calligraphy Journal, Yinchao Magazine, China National Expo Magazine, Office Business Magazine, Art Market Magazine, China Art Magazine, Soul of China - Collection of Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Art (Collectors Edition, National Gift Volume), China’s Most Influential Masters of Calligraphy and Painting (China Education Press), New China National Rite Art Master (China Culture Publishing House), Guide to Corporate Collection of Calligraphy and Painting, Standards for Students, etc. A Visit to Lake Cavehall—To the Tune of Belle Petite is in the collection of the National Museum of China. Wanghaichao by Liu Yong is in the collection of the National Art Museum of China. Tao Yuanming’s Drinking Poem is in the collection of Xu Beihong Art Museum.
Cursive Script The sea mirrors the rising moon bright; Miles apart, our hearts share tonight.
Cursive Script Beidaihe—To the Tune of Lang Tao Sha
Cursive Script Speech by Xi Jinping
Cursive Script Mountain Trip by Du Mu
Cursive Script Jin Dynasty Ge Hong’s Remarks
Cursive Script Falls by Li Chen
Cursive Script The Yellow Crane Tower by Mao Zedong
Cursive Script Fall-time Night by Qu Dajun
Cursive Script Climbing Shaoshi Mountain Temple by Tang Chuchao
Cursive Script Tang Dynasty Zhang Jiuling’s Verses