杨炳湘,自幼习画。1986年加入中国美术家协会, 1997年被中国文学艺术界联合会、中国美术家协会评选为“中国画坛百杰”。 历任诗刊社美术副编审、环球人物艺术网艺术顾问,世界文艺家联合会理事、中国诗联书画研究院副院长兼书画专业特级研究员。擅长山水画, 兼及其他,画风自然清新,重意境与格调,主张“因境变法,移情入画”。1989年应邀在中国美术馆画廊举办个人画展, 1995年应邀为天安门城楼创作《万壑松风》丈二匹大幅国画,被天安门管理处收藏并在天安门城楼陈列展出。
《长城 》
Yang Bingxiang, who has been practicing painting since his childhood, joined the China Artists Association in 1986 and was selected as one of the “Top 100 Chinese Painters” by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Artists Association in 1997. He has been the deputy editor of the arts for Poetry Magazine, the art advisor of the Global People-Arts, the director of the World Literature and Artists Association, and the vice president and special researcher of the Painting and Calligraphy Institute of the China Poetry Association. He specializes in landscape painting, as well as other aspects, with a natural and fresh style, emphasizing mood and style and advocating “changing the method depending on the situation and transferring emotions into the painting”. In 1989, he was invited to hold a solo exhibition at the gallery of the National Art Museum of China. In 1995, he was invited to create a large Chinese painting, The Wind of Ten Thousand Gullies and Pines, for Tiananmen Square, which was collected by the Tiananmen Square Administration and displayed in Tiananmen Tower.
Home in Mountains
The Great Wall
Gentle Breeze
Morning Light
Night in Bashan
In the Clouds and Mist
Spring Water
Salt Lake Sunset
Floating Light
Fishing Season