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鄢建和,1946年生,湖北省天门市人。书法家。1965年进入解放军石家庄陆军学院士官队学习。1966年以优异的成绩调入中国人民解放军北京卫戍区司部,担任保卫党中央的职责,因工作突出,曾十数次执行保卫毛主席、周总理等党和国家领导人的警卫任务。转业回天门后,1982年调入市委机关工作。现为天门市书画研究会会长,湖北省书画研究会理事,中国书画研究会理事,国家二级艺术委员,香港国际王羲之书画院终身名誉教授等。作品润格,一平方尺:五万元人民币。 八十年代,毕业于中国书画函授大学,期间受到欧阳中石、王学仲等名家指导。1980年,他专程到西安碑林参观,临摹学习其璀璨的书法珍品。数十年孜孜不倦的潜心专研、求实创新,逐步形成了他自己潇洒飘逸、热情奔放、沉稳大气、独特的艺术风格。近些年来,多次受文化部所属机构之邀,赴欧州八国、日、韩、泰、港、澳、台等国家和地区,参与各种大型展览活动。作品被数十部大型典籍收录,并被军事博物馆、毛主席纪念堂、香港大会堂、国家博物馆、中国文化艺术城等单位收藏。2010年与沈鹏、李铎、林岫、杨哲江等书画大师共同出版《中华文化大使》书法五人集,2011年与林岫共同出版《大师之路》书法两人集,2011年11月与刘大为、范曾、欧阳中石、张海共同出版《中国书画传奇人物》,2012年与欧阳中石、沈鹏、李铎共同出版《走近中国艺术大师》,2016年与苏士澍共同出版《中华国粹名家典藏》,2018年与苏士澍、沈鹏、欧阳中石、张海、李铎、言恭达、靳尚谊、黄永玉、韩美林、范迪安等书画大师共同出版《中国艺术传承人物》。 1. 《海内存知己》 2. 《剑 》 3. 《凌云》 4. 《沁园春·雪 》 5. 《沁园春·雪 两条 》 6. 《神州春晓 》 7. 《霜叶红于二月花 》 8. 《腾龙盛世》 9. 《天涯若比邻 》 10. 《中国梦》 Yan Jianhe entered the NCO Team of Shijiazhuang Army College of the People’s Liberation Army in 1965. In 1966, he was transferred to the Command of Beijing Garrison Division of the PLA with outstanding achievements, responsible for defending the CPC Central Committee. Due to his outstanding work, he has carried out the security task of defending Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and other leaders of the CPC and state for more than ten times. After returning to Tianmen, he was transferred to Tianmen Municipal Party Committee in 1982. Now, he is the President of the Tianmen Research Institute of Calligraphers and Painters, a director of the Hubei Research Institute of Calligraphers and Painters, a director of the China Research Institute of Calligraphers and Painters, a national second-class art committee member, and a lifelong honorary professor of Hong Kong International Wang Xizhi Painting and Calligraphy Institute. In the 1980s, he graduated from China Calligraphy and Painting International University, when he was guided by famous artists such as Ouyang Zhongshi and Wang Xuezhong. In 1980, he made a special trip to visit the Forest of Steles in Xi’an to copy and learn from the splendid calligraphy treasures. Decades of tireless dedicated research, truth seeking and innovation have gradually contributed to his elegant, free, passionate, calm and majestic and unique artistic style. In recent years, he has been invited by institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Culture to participate in various large-scale exhibitions in eight European countries, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other countries and regions. His works have been collected into dozens of large-scale classics, and by the Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution, Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, Hong Kong City Hall, the National Museum of China, China Culture and Art City, etc. Bosom Friend Afar Sword Soar to the Sky Spring of Qinyuan Garden · Snow Spring of Qinyuan Garden · Snow II Spring Dawn in China Frost-Bitten Leaves Are More Crimson than Spring Blooms Flying Dragon in the Prosperous Time Accompany Each Other though Far Apart Chinese Dream